Can you write every day?

This is how I would answer this question: "I can't"

It would be great to be able to write hi- quality stuff daily, but writing just isn't a conveyer- type thing to do. My writing stamina is really low, and I can't spend 6 hours a day writing- 1st hour of it would be OK, but the other material that came up in the reamaining 5 hours would simply Suck! About 1000 words a day usually is my maximum.

Why am I writing this?

Because today I'm too tired to write my book. I just opened the file and wrote one sentence. That's it. And it even wasn't a new sentence- I just rewrited a sentence written yesterday. The moment of truth hit me- I won't be able to work on the book today! FUUUUUUUUCK!

But then I remembered about my good old friend- the Blog! After a while of trying to remember my pasword, I finally entered and now I'm writing. I'm writing! The question in the topic is answered- anyone can write every day, the only thing is that you can't work on the same project( like your book) 7 days a week. You need to rest, even if you're becoming a crazy graphomaniac like me who would be happy to spend all of his days writing and all of his nights weightlifting, tricking, doing martial arts and partying. That would be just an awesome life!

From this day- I'll be puhsing myself to write every day! Kick me in my balls if I miss a day! Book isn't the only place where I can write- there's blog, 4chan \b\ forums and even the toilet paper in the bathroom- I just need a pen or a pencil to write on it.

I guess this aplies to the all aspects of life- you can do most of the things every day, but they have to be diversed. Like with writing- you just have to write about different things every day and work on different projects. You're still doing the same thing- you're writing, but you're writing different things and working on different projects.

Another example- training. You can't do weightlifting or jogging every day- It will simply kill your productivity. But you can do jogging one day, do weightlifting on another day and do some swimming the next day. I've tried this, and this really works. You just don't feel tired of physical exercises, because you're doing different things every day.

For me, it was like this...

(Shit, a freeroll poker tournamet is starting in 15 minutes and I don't want to miss it. Now I'm enabling the Top Gear of my writing and trying to speed up the finishing of this post)

Ok, let's continue, for me, It was like this...

On monday I did some tricking.
On tuesday I did some weightlifting.
On wednesday (usually I'm resting this day) we went long- distance swimming and diving.
On thursday I did some jogging.
And It was tricking, weightlifting and swimming on Friday. That one was hard to pull off, but...
On Saturday I went cycling.
And Sunday... I went cycling and tricking again!

All week was spent training- every fucking day! And I could spend another week in the same tempo.

Add diversity to your life- more diversity means more output and less boredom. Diversity ROCKS! Stop doign the same shit every day!

We need some changes, just like the Tupac sang.

OK, see you later, poker tournament is starting in 7 minutes!! Bye :*